CSS, Website Design

CSS – Absolute Positioning

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Absolute Positioning with CSS can be a very useful thing.

I’ve been working a lot with CSS over the last year, but I’ve just recently discovered the secret to absolute positioning.

Absolute Positioning in CSS

Absolute positioning will allow you to move an HTML item from anywhere in your code to the same spot. For Example: The side bar on this page (Top Horse Connection) is at the very bottom of the HTML code. But the CSS absolute positioning tells the side bar to be positioned 170 pixels from the top of the page. Here is the CSS Code:

#sidebar {
top: 170px;

As you can see, it’s very simple. And it’s very useful when you want something to align along the right or left side of the screen. But what if you want a sidebar to be positioned in the middle of your screen (lets say 300 pixels to the left of the exact middle)?

You could do:

#sidebar {
top: 170px;

On a 1400 pixel-wide-screen, that would work perfectly!, but what if your screen was 800 pixels wide, then the sidebar would be 100 pixels to the right of the middle… So what now?!?!

This is what would you do:

#sidebar {
top: 170px;
left: 50%;
margin-left: -300px;

And Wala!

-More on the way
-Ashton Sanders

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