Website Design Blog

Welcome to our Website Design and Development Blog, where we share the latest tips, tricks, and trends in website design and development, especially for WordPress. As a website developer specializing in custom websites for businesses, we understand the importance of creating a strong online presence. Our blog is dedicated to helping you enhance your website's functionality and aesthetic appeal, with a particular focus on WordPress design and development. Whether you're a seasoned developer or just starting out, our articles provide valuable insights and practical advice to help you achieve your website goals. Join us as we explore the ever-evolving world of website design and development.

CSS – Paragraph Indent Text

“Can you indent the paragraphs?” This can be a very dreaded request to a web designer who doesn’t know better. This may mean that you have to go...

.htaccess – PHP on HTML/HTM Pages

I went into more detail about what the different processes are of adding php to a website programmed with *.html pages in this earlier htaccess post. Here are a...

Programming on Principle

There are many different ways to program websites. There a many different ways to program the exact same website. If you gave the same design to 100 different website...

Search Engine Optimization vs Website Design

Earlier I wrote a post about the Basics of Search Engine Optimization. In this post I’ll be delving a little deeper into the basic principles that are used...

Real Player Recommends Firefox

Ha! So yesterday I installed real player, and as I finished installing it, the final screen was this: How awesome is that! It’s great that Firefox is spreading...

Firefox – Banner Blocker!

If you still are using Internet Explorer, let me share with you the best internet browser, bar none: Firefox There you have it, go get it. More secured browsing,...

Speed Tip – Selecting Text

On the subject of how to get things done as quickly as possible, here is the first Speed Tip. Increase Speed while copying text The web is full of tedious work,...

Website Developers – Speed

Regardless of your profession, your speed and ability to get things done quickly will make or break you. This is especially the case in the field of website design...

CSS – Absolute Position Sidebar

This is what I call CSS tip in 30 seconds: It is very useful to be able to put your navigation bar or side bar at the bottom of your HTML, and absolute position...