Display WooCommerce Product Variation In/Out of Stock Status
The WooCommerce Variation Stock Problem We needed to modify the display of product variations in WooCommerce to display stock settings. We wanted it to show the...
The WooCommerce Variation Stock Problem We needed to modify the display of product variations in WooCommerce to display stock settings. We wanted it to show the...
Sometimes, we get requests to create very custom displays of WordPress Posts. Other times we need to display a WordPress custom post type and group it by it’s...
Over the years I’ve transferred a number (too many) PHP websites to Windows servers running PHP (or have had to install PHP apps on a windows server, etc.)....
If you are not familiar with htaccess, you are missing out. It is one of the greatest things about linux/php hosting. One little file that gives you a wide range...
This is a question I’ve been asking for a few years. Recently, I’ve heard a lot about WordPress, Joomla, and Drupal, but it’s practically impossible...
Getting mssql_connect(): unable to connect to server: problem fixed when running XAMPP PHP on my machine
I have already done a lot of ranting and raving about Blogger and WordPress. Although I consider these two to be the leaders of the blogging pack (by a large margin),...
Knowing the width, height, Image type or attributes of an image can be extremely useful. I’ve used this once to make a line of images all line up on the bottom....
When I first started this blog, I did a little bit of research about blogs, and chose Blogger. Now that I’ve been using Blogger for almost a year, I’ve...